
Speaking Engagements
I welcome the opportunity to speak to groups and organizations interested in the writing process, reading, living abroad, or how writing helped me find my way home.
I have featured on BBC Somerset Radio, South Devon Radio, and Exmoor Radio and have presented at in-person and online events through libraries and bookshops. I’ve taught children about story structure in the school setting and chatted with book clubs about how my reading inspires my writing. Additionally, I have discussed using writing as a coping strategy with a pain management support group. I am happy to customize a presentation to suit your interests.
If you would like more information about what I can bring to your group, please get in touch.
Virtual Women’s Institute Summer Festival 2024
I’m delighted to be speaking at the Virtual Women’s Institute Summer Festival 2024 about ‘My Virtual Journey Home’. Please join me on August 10th at 2 pm as I share how my virtual connections helped me cope with homesickness during my years living in America. Many thanks to The WI (National Federation of Women’s Institutes), Cornwall Federation of Women’s Institutes, Ladies Who Lunch – Virtual WI, and Sarah Blunt for this opportunity to highlight the importance of our virtual connectivity. See you there! (Please find registration details in the poster below)
It’s All in The Stars
Have you ever wondered why your favourite author hasn’t produced more books in that series you love? Do you struggle to find more stories in the genre you love to read? Maybe there is something you can do about that! Whether you purchase new or used books in a shop or online, or borrow from libraries, reviews really do influence authors. Join me at Porlock Community Library on May 16th at 2 pm for simple tips to ensure authors write the books you want to read. It really is All in The Stars! Many thanks to Porlock Community Library for the invitation – and for the lovely posters!
January 8th, 2024
I am honoured by the invitation to speak to the Porlock Ladies about travel, writing, and the search for home. Apparently, there will be wine and cake. Wow! (People say the writer’s life is hard. I say, not always.) Join us at Porlock Village Hall at 2:30pm.
October 5th, 2022
We are delighted that local author, Tracey Gemmell, will be giving a talk in the library on Wednesday 5th October at 2.30pm. She has two published books – both available to borrow from the library – and another in the pipeline. Her love of Exmoor is evident in her stories and her talk centres on her journey through life and fiction which has led her to make Porlock her home. The talk is free but spaces are limited, booking is advisable. Tel: 01643 862763 or email porlib@somerset.gov.uk or message.
September 29th, 2022
Had a lovely chat with Andy Bennet on BBC Radio Somerset’s Breakfast Show this morning about the amazing gingerbread replica of our house our Ukrainian family made. You can read about it here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-63063125 or listen to it on the BBC Sounds app for the next 28 days. Thanks, Andy!
April 10th, 2022
Will be talking to Catherine Cook on BBC Radio Devon about writing, life, travel, and transatlantic relocation during a pandemic. Many thanks for the invite, Catherine!
April 13th, 2021
Join me and the Yeovil Community Arts Association Book Club as we discuss ‘Dunster’s Calling’. Virtual event. https://www.facebook.com/events/954365622036214/
November 2018
Had a great time with Simon Parkin of BBC Somerset on November 10th. Thanks for making me and Dunster’s Calling so welcome, Simon!