Travel fiction – where the ‘right place’ transforms lives

Travel fiction – where the ‘right place’ transforms lives

Watson The Wonder Dog

It’s been a tough month for my furry bestie, Watson. Multiple visits to the vet for stomach issues resulted in multiple new prescriptions. These can’t be taken with the one he needs for lameness. He’s old and tired, I know. On a doggie birthday cake, he’d freak out if...
No Expectations

No Expectations

This writing finds me looking out over the Vale of Porlock in Somerset, England, cheese and pickle sandwich in one hand, pen in the other. Surely, Paradise on Earth? Wait. One more ingredient before it’s perfect: no expectations. I don’t have anywhere to...
Finding “home”

Finding “home”

Spring has come to Wisconsin. After a late frost that had me running in my pajamas to cover the vegetable garden, the blossoms are on the trees, the peonies are about to burst, and the lilac fills the house with heady scent. And as I’ve done every year for the past...
Old Worlds. New Words.

Old Worlds. New Words.

I love to roll new words around my brain, watch where they settle, wait for what the sounds make me feel. Looking at them on a page can be equally as satisfying, as I study the shapes or the way various nations adjust the spelling to suit their needs or proclivities....
Almost Certainly Uncertain

Almost Certainly Uncertain

I am certain of two things: I want to return to England to live, and I want to publish my first novel. All else seems to be a confusion of indecision. “Why?” I hear the dear reader ask. “It sounds easy enough. You sell up in the United States and you get on a plane....


NAG! NAG! NAG! I am the victim of cybernagging. Surely a criminal offence? It’s daily and, quite frankly, getting on the one nerve I have left. Facebook nags me about exactly how many days, hours, minutes it’s been since I last posted. WordPress nags me about exactly...