Travel fiction – where the ‘right place’ transforms lives

Travel fiction – where the ‘right place’ transforms lives

Finding Myself Online. Or Not.

Finding Myself Online. Or Not.

Mission: Identify twelve search keywords that would lead others to find you online. Go. It’s okay, I’ll wait. Am waiting… Okay, two keywords. Can you come up with two? I know, right? It’s really hard. But that’s what I have to do as part of a website redesign project...
Queens, Jubilees and Bunting: The Joys of Home

Queens, Jubilees and Bunting: The Joys of Home

Today is the second anniversary of my leaving the United States for the last time to return home to England. I’ll be spending the day, in fact the whole week, excitedly preparing for my neighbourhood Jubilee party. For those of you living under a rock, the British...
A Couchful of Hiraeth

A Couchful of Hiraeth

Wrinkles add character to our old friend This couch may not look like much now. It’s grubby and wrinkled and sunken in the middle. The cream colour is hardly reminiscent of anything you’d pour over your crumble. Even the dog struggles to clamber in and out. It’s like...